
Ludum Dare 34

Ludum Dare 34 : Panic Room


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"You are the last guard on duty at the Monster Containment Facility where some nosy tourists have found their way inside... again. If only we could get the budget increase approved we could seal up the holes and this wouldn't be a problem! But then you wouldn't have a job now, would you? Two doors are always left open specifically for this reason. Your job is to make sure no monsters get out, but be careful not to lock in tourists. That would be a PR nightmare!"

This was a Ludum Dare game jam entry where the theme was "Two Buttons/Grow". My brother and I created this submission for the jam entry which takes place of the course of one weekend. I handled all the programming and he made the artwork.

This was programmed in Gamemaker studio and was my first exposure to the engine. I chose Gamemaker as a curiosity and it wound up being a fun experiment.